
Laugh/Cry is an immersive event organized by Teresa Cervantes (Tyler MFA 2016) and enacted by a cast of performers including Amanda Anstotz, Brian Basenfelder, Mariana Bonfim, Teresa Cervantes, Mary Clancy, Michael Delgado, Langston Noah, Arnelle Obode, Kelsey Skaroff, and Daniel Zentmeyer. The work operates as an immersive emotional and social space in which the performance of alternating sequences of laughing and crying in unison creates micro narratives and waves of feeling that occasionally drift in and out of sync and into the space of the crowd. The sequences and their deviations not only represent a gradient of emotive reflexes, but enact the breaking of a cultural binary and become a working metaphor for the ancient bond between comedy and tragedy.


Laugh/ Cry
Photo by Ricky Yanas
